Virginia Public Utilities Commission

The Virginia Public Utilities Commission is the governing body of the Utility.  Commissioners are residents of the City of Virginia and are appointed by the mayor and approved by the City Council.  Its function is to provide guidance to management with regard to the overall direction of the Utility.  The Commission is also involved in establishing policies, approving budgets, and setting rates.  Commissioners’ terms are three years and they can be reappointed for two additional terms.

The Virginia Public Utilities Commission generally meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 3:30 pm at the Virginia Department of Public Utilities offices at 618 2nd St. S., Virginia, MN 55792.

  • President - Jeff Marwick Jeff Marwick
  • Vice-President - James Makowsky James Makowsky
  • Member - Bruce Johnson Bruce Johnson
  • Member - Garrison Hale Garrison Hale

Commission Meeting Minutes